Based in Braunton, North Devon offering: healing, energy medicine, counselling, holistic approach, herbalism, well-being, guidance, positive intention, visualisation, meditation, heal your life


In person and distance sessions available






We are Tracy and Greg and our goal is simply to be and to enjoy the flow of life. 


Our state of being affects all those we interact with. As healers, and active members of our wider community, we consider our own well-being and happiness central to creating positive outcomes.


Healing, teaching, energy work, planting wildflower meadows and surf instructing are some of the ways we outwardly express our enthusiasm for life. 


North Devon is such a beautiful place to do this



For further information about what we do, and how we may help you wherever you live, please read our website or contact us:


Greg: 01271 815850


Tracy: 07977 299414


find us on facebook




Energy Healing


We intend to address the root cause of your presented issues, whatever they may be. At the same time we will direct your focus towards improving your quality of life, establishing and maintaining positive goals and helping you do the things you love.


Health and well-being is a much larger concept than simply being pain or dis-ease free eg. boredom, stagnation or ‘being in a rut’ may be pain free but they are signs of an absence of joy. This is a precursor to dis-ease and illness. The importance of this cannot be overstated. Optimism, positive attitude and a love of life substantially increases the speed and fullness of healing.


People can do more than just exist, they can and should thrive


Our clientele ranges widely including professionals, students, NHS and healthcare workers, therapists, children and those for whom the conventional medical establishment has no positive options available. Sessions are tailored to each individual’s unique needs.


Our healing space is a relaxing and private environment to safely release fear, stress, anxiety, trauma, anger, grief, trapped emotions and harmful thoughts. We specialise in helping people recover from trauma, both developmental trauma and shock trauma (PTSD). We also help people find joy in their lives.


Commonly presented issues are:


Stress & anxiety, relationships, sleep disorders, feeling ‘out of sorts’, illness, aches & pains, depression, low energy or fatigue, cancer, trauma, abuse, addiction, phobias, self-harm, work issues, bereavement, terminal diagnosis, sudden life change, dis-ease prevention, unexplained occurrences.


They correspond to underlying root causes which we address by:


restoring joy and happiness in life

dissolving life-style stresses

restoring emotional and mental balance

resolving childhood related issues

empowerment and confidence building

increasing grounding and resiliance to stress

restoring missing energies

removing intrusions and energy drains


The healing techniques we use include: energy healing, grounding, aura clearing, chakra balancing, crystal healing, soul retrieval – restoring missing energies from shock trauma, inner child work – resolving developmental trauma, relationship cord healing, past life regression, dreamwork, colour healing, sound healing, sacred heart healing, entity release, extraction, journeying, guidance, restoring powerloss, distance healing, dropping into the heart.


We combine energy healing with: herbalism, positive intention, visualisation, movement, chi kung, promoting physical exercise, diet and nutrition, counselling, relaxation & breathing techniques, creativity, meditation and nature, with intuitive, guided and experiential wisdom. You can be sure to receive a genuinely holistic approach.


Healing requires the willingness to love yourself enough to be healed


You can book individual sessions or, if you want something special, book us both. It is our preference to work with you in-person because genuine human interaction is in itself healing. When this is not possible we offer distance healing and have a number of international clients.


Sessions: £50 for first hour – £10 for each additional 15 minutes


Under 18’s: £40 per session


Call us for a free chat.


Herbalism – sessions are available from Greg: £60 initial consultation, £40 for follow-up sessions


Heal Your Life Workshops – these are offered by Tracy on a one-to-one and small group basis – they are focussed sessions to help release limiting beliefs and create the life we want.


Create the Life you Want from Your Heart Course


If you have ever felt that you would like to be more in control of your life, one that you have created from the love you feel in your heart, then this course is for you. Set over 6 sessions you will learn how to live from your heart, manifest your desires, appreciate your life, love yourself, improve your world and release resistance to living your best possible life.


For full details see:







Feedback for joint healing sessions with Tracy and Greg


I have received healings around the world for over fifteen years and these treatments are by far the most powerful and effective I have ever been given.


They are highly trained, walk their talk, and are knowledgeable at working with and combining so many healing techniques together.


Greg is very polite, friendly, and professional, my first consultation was to find out my symptoms and if I had any allergies. My sessions with Tracy are amazing!! In my opinion Tracy you are a miracle worker. I feel so much better and so positive.


Feedback for healing sessions with Tracy


I wish this therapy was available on the NHS to everyone – I can’t recommend it enough.  


Feelings that I thought would take some time to understand were resolved very quickly and now I feel renewed energy and positivity about the future.


Tracy gave me the first healing session and the next day the pain was reduced by 85%. After more healing I now have no problems at all. 


We did Inner Child Healing to help my younger self feel safe and release suppressed emotions. By the end of the session my anxiety had gone regarding the present stress and I felt lighter and capable of dealing with the situation.

F. Devon


Sometimes we don’t realise what’s missing ’til it’s put back. Tracy is a gifted healer.

J. London


Feedback for healing sessions with Greg


I am indebted to Greg, his knowledge, skills, practice, and patience. I recommend those afflicted by cancer or considering a more preventative approach to seek Greg’s consult.

Chris Woodhouse MAPA, MBA, FAICD, Australia


I have found Greg to be kind, supportive, non judgemental and above all an inspirational healer.


I had healing sessions with Greg and found them powerful energetically. With Greg, there is always a feeling of openhearted simplicity, generosity and joy.


I am eternally grateful to Greg!

Feedback for monthly group healing sessions with Greg


About us


During early years development my senses and instincts were honed by my Australian bush and rural upbringing.


After many years working professionally as an engineer in large scale mining and rail construction programmes, I realised that the intuitive side of me, well suppressed since childhood, was becoming a factor I could not ignore.


Following intuition and guidance my health and well-being improved. I became happier and took every opportunity to learn more about healing. By 2008 I had experienced kundalini awakening and have prepared a way to help others do the same. 


My passion for life is bonding with nature and I continue to expand my knowledge through foraging, herbal medicine and rewilding.

01271 815850



For over 25 years I worked in a family media business based in London. After my mum died suddenly I managed the company but the work was not aligned with my desire for a simpler life in Devon and the demands of being a single mum. Due to complex family issues leaving wasn’t easy. To follow my path I embraced both counselling and energy healing sessions which helped me process my grief and slowly unravel and improve my relational patterns.


With increasing freedom I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, inspired to learn more about energy medicine and its ability to restore balance through healing root cause issues.


My healing journey has had its challenges. In 2018 I was diagnosed with an aggressive large Stage 3 tumour. Conventional treatment alone offered a likely prognosis of drastic life-limiting surgery. Taking responsibility for the situation I used the healing techniques and knowledge I had already acquired and committed to lifestyle changes and adjustments to my diet. Within 7 months there was no sign of disease and I declined surgery. My full recovery story can be found here:


Today, due to this life-changing process and continued commitment to my own well-being, I feel healthier, fitter and happier than I did before. I have also learnt how to follow my heart and embrace a new and joyful way of living. I would feel honoured to help you achieve the same.


Inspired by my recovery I trained to become a Heal Your Life teacher and workshop leader in 2022, and am now very excited to be able to share all I have learnt through my course Create the Life You Want from Your Heart, see:


As well as energy work I love cooking, photography, forests, beaches, walking, outdoor living, relaxing with friends and being involved in our local community.

07977 299414




also see our resources and rewilding pages



Contact Us